Kenwood TS-590 update
Nowy firmware wersja 1.08
    SQ3OGP pisze:

    Ciekawe że tak późno oficjalnie. W moim kenie kupionym 2 miesiące temu, był soft 1.8 pytajnik

Cytat z grupy Yahoo:
"The firmware update to v1.08 is particularly important, because it fixes
two very nasty bugs that exist in earlier versions. These bugs are to do
with transmitting on the wrong frequency (even though the frequency on
the display is correct), and sometimes not transmitting at all.

Full credit goes to Andy Durbin (K3WYC) and John Brush (WA3CAS) for
their detective work in tracking down and identifying these bugs back in
the summer, despite the naysayers who said there was nothing wrong with
the firmware.

Less credit goes to Kenwood Japan. After being notified of the bugs,
they acknowledged their existence in August, yet it has taken them more
than *three* months to come up with a fix. Better late than never, I

I have installed firmware v1.08, and can confirm that this version does
indeed fix the bugs. I recommend everyone does the same.

Ian, G3NRW"

Pozdrawiam Robert