Jak to trafia na mapę?
aprs.fi podaje, ze pobiera dane z dwóch źródeł:

"Where is the displayed data obtained from?

The positions of the amateur radio operators and their vehicles are received from the APRS-IS network on the Internet. Most of them are originally transmitted on amateur radio frequencies (typically around 145 MHz), and received and forwarded to the APRS-IS by igate stations run by clubs and individuals around the world.

The positions of ships are received from the AIS frequencies by receiving stations around the world. If you wish to receive AIS transmissions and provide them to the service, you're more than welcome to do so."

Gość ma [aprs.fi via Web].

Natomiast jego surowych pakietów nie ma stronie aprs.fi.

1. Jak więc wprowadza te dane? (Rozumiem, jak ktoś wyzej napisal, ze np. w APRSdroid podaje serwer aprs.fi?)

2. Jeśli aprs.fi pozyskuje dane z APRS-IS to jaki jest regulamin wprowadzania tam danych? Nie udało mi się odszukać:
http://www.aprs-is.net/, jednak zapewne źle szukam.