cat icom 7000
,za cos zaplacilem interfejs powinien dzialac a nie dziala jak powinien.

To reklamacje do sprzedawcy albo autora interfejsu.

2. CAT controlled TX will allow audio to pass on the ACCY MOD port, but the mic stays *open* (try whistling when you're on the air in psk mode!)

2. If want to use CAT control from HRD for TX in DM780 (i.e., have HRD and DM780 running at the same time), you need to use the ACCY MOD input for the audio but your mic will be *OPEN* unless you physically unplug it from the radio and lose the functionality of the mic.

A na st. 24 manuala masz pokazane jak jest realizowane PTT w PSK i innych emisjach