konfiguracja kenwooda tm d700 i aplikacji aprsis32
Próbowałeś porady Krysia SQ5NWI dotyczącej D710 i tego programu?


Finally I spent some time in the car with D710 (in APRS mode) and WebDT running

I wanted to have map following my position so I did several tests and found that
it is possible, but under some conditions.

1. SSID of the APRSISCE must be different from D710.

I know that this is good practice, but tried with the same SSID and beaconing
disabled in APRSISCE. It didn't work even for Screen -> Follow -> Locked
When changed APRSISCE SSID and started to follow D710 on the map it worked fine.
Well, at least in good APRS coveradge area where my D710 received it's position
packets digipeated by local DIGIs. In tjis case position on the map was updated
as often as beaconed.
I decided to try with ME following which was not real beaconed position but was
suppose to be based on real time GPS data from D710, and here we have second

2.GPS data pass from D710 to APRSISCE. It works - no problem, but I was sure
that the setting responsible for that is GPS/NMEA check box in port
configuration pane and found that it doesn't work for me.

To get it working I had to set Enables - GPS Enabled and no matter what set in
This is probably something what doesn't work exactly like it was designed if I'm
not wrong.

From that moment I followed ME with map moving and in paralell my D710 SSID
station position updated just when digipeated packets were received back.

More observations will come probably soon.
